About membership

Anyone under the age of 25 years old can become a member of Meadowbank Pony Club.

To participate in club activities you will need your own horse. From time to time horses are available for lease and we are always happy to consider membership for those looking to buy a horse.

We are currently full for grazing and membership, however you are welcome to register your interest and go on our waitlist should space become available.

Prospective families will be given a farm tour and pony club introduction before waitlist applications will be accepted.

What is the time commitment?

In addition to riding your horse or pony 4 – 5 times per week, it is expected that you check daily on your horse’s well-being. As we operate paddock groups you may be able to arrange a roster with another paddock member to check the group.

Once a week, at a time agreed by the paddock group, you will be asked to attend a paddock move. This will involve a check of the new paddock, cleaning troughs, checking fencing, fixing tape if required and, when required, distribute horse droppings (poo kicking 🙂 to prevent the grass being killed underneath).

In general, ride times take around 2-4 hours (parents… please note). This depends on the distance of the ride, how far grazing is from the club and how dirty your pony has got.

There will be monthly paddock working bees, which can be several hours, as agreed by the group, to maintain the care of the paddocks.

Each family is required to attend club working bees, which are usually half a day followed by a fun get together/BBQ. There are usually 2 -3 per season. If you cannot attend a club working bee there is a fee of $100 per member not attending, which is used to pay for labour to do your allocated jobs.


Children riders under 18 need to have a parent present at rallies to take responsibility for their safety and well-being (maximum 3 children per parent supervisor). Children riders under 16 need to have a parent present for rallies that involve jumping.

From time to time we hold community mornings where groups are invited to feed, pat and ride the ponies. We require volunteers (adults, children & ponies) from our pony club to help out with these mornings. We also hold at least two fundraising open days where we offer pony rides and other fun activities for the local community to enjoy.